Are you sitting comfortably? You are? Well why are you sitting down in the first place? Get off your backside and go do something constructive! Ok, wait! Don't go and do something until you've read this post first! (Way to go Debs to get rid of readers!)
According to my husband I am a freak! Yes you read that right. I am a freak of nature. One of those weird people who have no clue how to relax. And, as much as I hate to admit it, he's right! God! He's such a smartarse! I am one of those people who is so busy that the ability to relax has become a skill long lost. I don't even take the time to relax in the bath. I remember a time when I was feeling stressed, running around like a nut and came home to find my lovely husband had run a bath, put candles all around it, warmed up some big fluffy towels and poured me wine. And, did I enjoy it? Was I grateful? Hell no! Of course, I didn't tell him that! I smiled appreciatively and thanked him for his kindness. It was a lovely thing for him to have done. But, what was running through my brain? Well, for a start my first thought was, 'I don't have time for a bath!' My second was, 'I might clean the bathroom later,' and did in fact clean the bath while I was sitting in it! It's insane I know but something I think sums up my lifestyle pretty well!
In an age when we are expected to be all things to all people and cram as much into our days as is humanly possible we always take the quickest options, the fastest route or the one that allows us to fit as much into a small time frame as is possible. When did this happen? Is it a modern thing? I'm not sure. All I know is that the fact that there are not more hours in the day is something that stresses me out more than I can say! Perhaps its because I work full time plus try to write AND run a book tour company and be a carer that I feel this way. Although, part of the problem is that there is so much more that I WANT to do. Not stuff that I SHOULD do. I want to fit in more adventures and extra fun into an already manic lifestyle! I want to read more books. Chase that bookish job / career. I want to spend more time writing instead of snatching at the small pockets of time that open up to me occasionally. Every time I have some rare free time I try to fill that time with something. Its all so exhausting! Hell, I can do it though!!! Just give me more time!
I've often wondered whether this is an affliction that only hits the female of the species? My husband is by no means lazy. He does so much of the parenting and domestic chores whilst working in a very stressful job himself and trying to support me in all I do too. Although, today we don't have our daughter to look after. Its a respite weekend for us and one that is much needed. Instead of relaxing like I'm supposed to do I was up early this morning and took my son out suit shopping for a job interview next week. Then we went food shopping and I did some cooking, some blog chores and a few other chores that needed doing. When I finish this post I am going to do some writing and reading. My husband on the other hand is lying on the sofa snoring his head off and its only 3.30pm! I love the man dearly but right at this minute I want to beat him around the head with my laptop! Sleeping during the day? Relaxing? Chilling out? Imagine!!! What a weirdo! I did suggest at lunch time that we ignore the sleet that is lashing against the window and go for a brisk walk with the dog along the coast. The dear man looked at me like I was insane and the dog hid under the sofa!
So, there you have it! I have forgotten how to relax. Its a weird affliction and one I hope someone finds a cure for soon. I imagine however that the only cure is a week lying on a hammock on some tropical island. Unfortunately that isn't going to happen any time soon so for now I will just have to suffer on. In the meantime, I'm going to go waken my husband and drag him outside for some fresh air.............or maybe just go out for pizza and wine instead! Decisions, decisions!
A great post, Debbie. I don't know how you fit in everything you do. You're an inspirational and amazing woman :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you Esther!I suppose I fit it all in because I have to. Probably not doing any more than anyone else. I'm sure there's probably someone much busier than me out there! lol. x
DeleteI'm exhausted just reading your post. I wouldn't say that you have a 'weird affliction' I'd call it a blessing, to have that much energy is what I dream about. I take an assortment of vitamin tablets and still couldn't manage all you do. You're a star :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks Eleanor. Sometimes the mind is willing but the body is not and energy levels are often depleted. Maybe I should think about vitamins too? x
DeleteI think you are the Queen of the plate spinners as you certainly seem to cram a lot into your day. To me this isn't so much of an affliction as a response to the pressure of what we have come to accept as everyday life. I spent the whole of my adult life working in an office, managing staff, supporting senior management. The arrival of the computer was a blessing, but it was also a curse, because it meant everything could be done much quicker. That should mean an easier life, right? Actually no, it seems the very thing which should make our life easier brings with it an expectation that we are able to do more. Certainly the pressures post millenium were far greater than those before the turn of the century. Home life is the same, bigger demands on time, especially if you have a family's needs to consider. So far from wondering if you have some affliction, give yourself a round of applause because in this mad modern world you definitely shine xxx
ReplyDeleteThanks Jo. I totally agree about the computers. With so much technology at our fingertips there is definitely the expectation that we do more. x