
Saturday, 11 June 2016

Writer Wobbly!

Lots of excitement this week as my second article in the magazine went live! Hooray! When I read the article I did actually feel a little bit in awe that it was me that had written it and it actually wasn't half bad! To see anything I have written out in the big bad worldwide web is a bit of a buzz! You can check out my article HERE. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Although, already I am seeing ways I could have improved it! Is anyone ever really happy with what they have written or are you always subconsciously editing and rewriting stuff long after you have written it?

This week also saw me attending my second creative writing class and this time I did feel a little more confident. And, just when my confidence was growing, I realised that this was the last class before the Summer break! Damn it! However, all was not lost. One lady on the course is arranging a series of literary evenings in her house and asked me if I was interested in attending. Of course I am! And, a couple of lovely ladies in the class invited me to join them on a regular meet up over the Summer to talk about and critique our work. We are going to meet up in a swanky coffee shop, drink tea, eat buns and generally talk about our writing. We might even set each other writing challenges too and I was thinking about how to expand on this idea so if any of you wonderful literary friends have some good ideas for writing prompts or writing exercises then I'd love to hear them!

Having friends with a common interest really does help you to feel part of a bigger community. I do have lots and lots of wonderful author and blogger friends online and I get to meet up with some of them now and again. However, to suddenly become part of a writing community close to home feels really fantastic. Of course, the idea of sharing my writing with real people makes me want to pass out in a dead faint! What if they really hate what I have written. One of them is a journalist and really knows her stuff. What if she thinks I am a fraud!? Oh my god! What if I am a fraud!? What if I deluding myself that I can write!? Yes I know I am having a bit of a writing wobbly here but I think its allowed! Isn't it?  I really do feel like I am entering a whole new phase of my life sometimes and it does feel a little bit scary if I am honest. Ms Irrational Fear is my middle name!

But, just when I was starting to have all this self-doubt, a lovely author friend Sheryl Browne sent me an email to tell me just how great she thought my writing was. Isn't it funny how a few words in an email can hold such tremendous power. Words have the power to transform the fearful into the brave. They have the power to push us to keep taking another step forward when we've been paralyzed with fear for so long. So, thank you Sheryl for doing that for me. So remember.................choose your words carefully. What you say or write can not only change a person's thinking but also potentially transform a life.  What a great gift to give.


  1. As tutor of creative writing the first thing I say to new students is that all criticism should be constructive and that they must back up any comments they make on a critique. The pleasure on the face of someone who is praised for their writing is wonderful to see. Even after all the years of writing I've done I have huge times of self doubt. But it only takes a good review or a word from one of my writing friends to give me encouragement. So I know just how you feel, Debbie. One thing though; remember it's all subjective, if someone doesn't like your writing ... well it's not nice ... but it's only their point of view. There'll be hundreds of others who do. jx.

    1. Thank you Judith. Really useful and encouraging comment. xxxx

    2. Oh, I would so agree with that, Judith. The thing is, Debbie, every single writer has a wobbly every single day. It's not a bad thing if you think about it. It means you're always striving to write your best. Trust me, you can do this! Re your writing challenges, shorts on a particular subject might be an idea. Definitely a challenge. It would be great fun to compare how different people approach a subject though. Good luck, lovely! You're massively talented. :) xx

    3. Here, here, Sheryl.We writers are so easy to worry about our work.Jx
